Welcoming All, Embracing Tradition, Sharing God's Love
This is Jesus’ table. It is made ready for those who love him and those who want to love him more.
Come, you who have much faith and you who have little; You who have been here often, and you who have not been here long. You who have tried to follow and you who have failed. Come, because it is Jesus who invites you, and it is God’s will that those who wish would meet God here.
Upcoming Services
Sunday, March 30
8:00 am - Traditional Language Holy Eucharist without music
9:15 am - Newcomer Education: Leeds History - Then & Now
10:30 am - Youth Sunday with student preacher: Contemporary Language Holy Eucharist with Nursery Care
Opportunities to go Deeper
Thursdays - March 27, April 3 & 10
Creating Space - Lenten Soup Suppers
This Lent we are going to be creating space. On Thursday evenings from 6:00-7:30 pm, we will be sharing a soup dinner together, creating, and talking about the spiritual practice of each weeks different creation: we will work with charcoal to draw, different ways of writing as a spiritual practice, we will mold clay, bake sourdough together, and make potstickers as we explore the ways our spiritual lives are nourished through the creativity of making food. Come to one or come to all. We will share space and energy with one another which leads to God’s kingdom building through community, and we will see where we are led in the newly created space of our hearts.
Sunday, March 30 - Newcomer Education - Leeds Church: Then & Now
Join us on March 30 at 9:15 am (between the services) in the meeting room for an opportunity to learn more about The Episcopal Church, Leeds Church, and how to get connected. We offer three standalone classes that rotate and can be attended in any order. Angela will lead classes and other guests will help. This is a great opportunity for those newer to Leeds, but all are welcome for a refresher. Just show up - no reservations required.
2024 Year-in-Review
What a year it was! See all the things we did together in 2024.
We are more than a place of worship.
Whether you're seeking spiritual growth, fellowship, or simply a sense of belonging, you'll find a warm and inclusive community waiting for you at Leeds Episcopal Church.
Want to learn more about us?
Discover the hearts behind our community - meet our dedicated rector and staff. Get to know the passionate individuals shaping our journey of faith and service.

“I know not what it will bring forth, but make me ready, Lord, for whatever it may be.”
— The Book of Common Prayer
Ready to take the next step in your faith journey? We'd love to connect with you!
Join us for worship and experience the warmth of our fellowship firsthand. Visit us in person to explore our historic church building and beautiful surroundings or reach out to us.